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Gorbachev: behind the condolences, chinese web rips soviet leader

Gorbachev: behind the condolences, chinese web rips soviet leader

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Official condolences have been timid. Lack of a great leader, he is the slender spokesperson for the MinAff who completed the formality during a press conference that 31 august : “we express our condolences for his family“. The character is controversial in China, to say the least. On the one hand, he contributed to the thaw Sino-Russian relations. But on the other, it expresses the surrender of an authoritarian empire to American power, and a brutal regime change towards democracy.

In these tense situations, where official celebrations are impossible, it is the sprawling Chinese Web that takes care of the after-sales service. We see the emergence of many “experts” and Chinese university professors who crush at will the former leader guilty of having let the USSR collapse.

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