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How the city is changing the traditional masculinity of rural migrants

How the city is changing the traditional masculinity of rural migrants

Subject to the norms of traditional rural patriarchy, the peasants who come to work in the city suffer from these rules which bully them and prevent them from flourishing as “men”. From one generation to another, this huge population, more and more forced to stay working in the city, sees his morals change completely

Rule #1 : l'homme doit mieux gagner que la femme

Rural people who come to the city to live off odd jobs, or on construction sites by the day, quickly find themselves under the yoke of this traditional Chinese rule when they fall in love with a woman from an urban family. Xiao Yan [Xiao Yan] worked as a shop worker in a shoe factory in Guangdong, pour 4 000 yuan per month. In love with a Hunan girl in the sale, he quickly found himself in default vis-à-vis this traditional obligation.

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