China builds satellite ground base in Antarctica 7 February 2023 The 5 february, China announces son intention to build a ground station in Antarctica to support its ocean monitoring satellite network. Geopolitical conflicts prior to construction Deployment of satellite network to monitor China's oceans sparks spying fears among neighbors. In 2020, the historical Swedish supplier of ground stations for the flight and data transmission of Chinese spacecraft, the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), discontinued its collaboration due to “changes” geopolitics. Chinese interference in Sweden hastened the end of affairs. Never mind, l’Aerospace Planning and Design Group Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, [China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation] takes over. With a capital of 6 millions of euros, it will build the ground station at Zhongshan in Antarctica, one of the two bases that China has in the region. This content is for subscribers only. Identify yourself or create an account by clicking here