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Are Chinese youth interested in their Congress??

Are Chinese youth interested in their Congress??

Political High Mass, Congress fascinates observers in the West. It's sports betting time [to use the expression of @PierreSel] where everyone competes in analysis and knowledge of pekinology to predict the composition of future management teams. But in China, do we talk about it with the same passion? EIR to investigated.

L'indifférence à la politique est le maître-mot en Chine

Well we know it will be Xi Jinping, so there“. A month ago, my friend Z., native of Xi'An had cut me off in my speculations, completely disillusioned.

I am fascinated by his experience with politics. Party executive girl, she hasn't been able to get out of China for almost 3 ans. Certainly, his situation allowed him to get through the hard times of the Covid-19 crisis with some privileges, such as receiving priority deliveries of fruit and vegetables.

But the permanent freedom restrictions quickly became unbearable for this young entrepreneur.

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